Sea Kids is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm year-round with the exception of certain holidays and weather-related closings.
Our students are placed in groups according to age and developmental readiness.
Infants ages 1 month - 15 months
Toddler ages 15 months - 2 years 9 months
Preschool ages 2.9 - 6 years
We offer both full and half-day programs.
Licensing Information
Sea Kids is licensed with the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC).
Their regional office is located at:
1 Washington Street, Suite 20
Taunton, MA 02780
Parents may contact EEC for information regarding our compliance history.
Parent Communication
We have an open-door policy at Sea Kids. Parents and/or guardians are welcome to visit our school unannounced at any time while their child is present.
Communication is the key to success. We welcome parent input. Please put your comments, compliments or suggestions in writing or email to the director’s attention. Also, a monthly newsletter will be provided to inform our families of the exciting things taking place at Sea Kids. We will also be using the Brightwheel app as a communication tool. Notes will be sent home daily for our infants and toddlers to inform you of the great day your child had at school. You may also call the school during the day to check on your child. Conferences are also available at any parent’s request.
At Sea Kids we celebrate diversity!!! We can all learn from one another. For our families whose primary language is other than English, we will encourage you to share your heritage with us. We are always willing to learn something new and we will work together to provide the best means of communication.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela
All of us here at the Safe to Sleep® campaign wish you a very happy and safe new year! New year and NEW resources! We are excited to announce a new video and handout that explains how parents can combine breastfeeding and a safe sleep environment for baby to reduce the risk of SIDS. We hope you find these materials useful in your efforts to support parents who are breastfeeding and practicing safe infant sleep.
Safe Infant Sleep Advocate
Choking is a leading cause of unintended injury in children under age 4.
Injury and death from choking are preventable. The risk of choking depends on the size, shape and consistency of the object, as well as the developmental age of the child.
The most common items on which children choke are food, coins, balloons, and other toys. If an item can fit inside a cardboard toilet tube roll, it can become lodged inside a child’s airway.